
Junkin' juke

So we went for a drive through old neighborhoods a couple weeks ago-of course keeping our eyes out for "junk" on the curb. And there it was, the most marvelous old juke box just hanging out on the side of the road. But as luck would have it, we had decided to take the car that day instead of the truck. Comfort Schmomfort! We were probably 40 miles from home, so we couldn't just go grab the truck, and this thing weighed as much as an ox, so even if we had the truck, I don't think we could have gotten it in there. So there she laid and stayed.

She's just sitting there. So sad!

But some of her parts were scattered amongst the same junk pile, so we gathered them up and brought them home. I cleaned this piece up, and it is on our mantle now.

I have no idea what we are going to do with this piece but we sure weren't going to leave it there

We also got an old light fixture from the pile. Every thing in the pile looked as if it had come out of a shed or basement-most looked to have water damage. It is so sad that someone had this tucked away somewhere and let it go to waste. Oh well no use crying over spilt milk or in this case, water damaged, torn apart, heavy as an ox, juke boxes on the side of the road.


Where does the time go......

Oh my word, it has been a month and a half since I posted anything on our blog. SHAMEFUL! Here is a run down on things we have been working on:

-Exterior trim around windows (Grisaille Grey)
-Exterior doors (Orchid Night)
-Bathroom (Asparagus)
-Below the chair rail in dining room (Bordeaux)
**still haven't found the right golden yellow for above the chair rail
-Interior trim (white)

-Planted ferns and impatiens
-Installed arbor at fence gate
-Rewired side porch light fixture
-Planted grass seed
-Started laying stone path from fence gate to side porch-- The stones were all over the yard, we are guessing that they were removed from whatever facade was/is under the gable part of the roof whenever the vinyl trim was installed.

-We tore out the tri-fold imitation oak medicine cabinet (which of couse was covering the hole left from the original recessed medicine cabinet and hiding missing tiles ) We could not find a recessed cabinet that we liked and could afford, so we chose a surface mounted white cabinet from target..........yes target.(See it here) It helped that we had a $20 gift card from there left over from Christmas. Anyway back to the hole and missing tiles.
We had to frame in the hole and replace the tiles (waited for three weeks for the black mudcaps to come in) So, in short we now have a medicine cabinet that does not make us cringe.

-Installed sconces in the bathroom. Had to remove the imitation oak bare bulb vanity strip (what a beauty!) and rewire the switch (before doing the aforementioned framing) and ran wire for the sconces---which by the way also came from target (can be seen in the above link next to the cabinet) They were on clearance for $3.74 a pc. I LOVE DEALS.

-We are still working on the tiles. Most of the damaged tiles were easy to remove except the toothbrush holder. They should make warships out of this thing. We have been chipping away at this thing for weeks. It won't budge. I am sure we can go get some sort of specialty tool to make it easier....but well you know.

Other than that we have been cleaning unpacking cleaning unpacking cleaning unpacking cleaning. Oh! and we sold our old house that had been under contract for nearly five months. But that is a whole 'nother can of worms. (2 words---FHA 203K)

Will post more and pictures soon....maybe it won't take 6 weeks next time.


Flaky floors