
Need A New Project?

Are you bored with your current project?

Do you frequent houseblogs.net but, have no project of your own?

Do you have money burning a hole in your pocket?

Are you just itching to move to west Tennessee? (Admit it, you are!)

Have you ever wanted to live in a church?

Even though I am perfectly happy with our stonehouse, I still obsessively browse the real estate listings. Maybe I am just nosy (I am.) Or maybe we are part gypsy. Anyway, I came across this little gem a couple of weeks ago. Of course, we had to go look at it.

The front of the church (bell tower and sanctuary) was built in the 1890's and the back in the 1930's. I can't remember the square footage. We'll just say it's HUGE. Of course, our brains were spinning--What can we do with this big ol church!? What can we do with this big ol church!? What can we do with this big ol church!? What can we do with this big ol church!? I think our answer was um..........nothing. So if anybody out there needs a big ol church, here are some details:

You enter through the bell tower to the sanctuary. The sanctuary has all of the pews (probably 50 or 60) and the pipe organ enclosure. The congregation took the organ with them. At the back of the sanctuary, you enter the 1930's three story addition. The lowest floor of the addition has a full kitchen and a huge dining room and all (three I think) of the heating and air units. The middle and top floors each have four rooms and a bathroom. There is a courtyard on the side of the church enclosed with an iron fence. At the back of the church there is a nice sized yard, and another 1930's/40's decoish building (probably 1500 sqf) that the church used as there office. The church is located on the main downtown street next to the old plaza movie theatre. The church is not in the town that we live in, but the next town over maybe 10 or 12 thousand people.
Price:$100,000 But I think they would take less. See a lot more inside and outside pictures here.

So, does anyone need a new project?


to fix the lop-sidedness

Long time no blog.

So, we have been in the stonehouse for about a year now, and the room that disgusts us most, is the kitchen. I hate our kitchen. I loathe our kitchen. I despise our kitchen. Did I mention that I hate our kitchen? Every room in the house makes me happy except the kitchen. Have you ever gone somewhere or seen something, that just gives you that icky kind of sick feeling, like, when you realize they tore down the victorian
down the street (with no notice) because she was "too far gone" and you KNOW she could have been saved. That's kind of the feeling I get in the kitchen. It's just not right. We have been back and forth on what to do with it about 149 times. Do we wait until we can do it right, or do we do cosmetic stuff to make it more pleasant? I am pretty sure we are never going to be able to afford a full gut and do over, so I think we have come up with a pretty good compromise. The layout of the kitchen is pretty bad. Everything but the fridge is in an L shape on one side of the kitchen, and the fridge is on the other side feeling lonely. This leaves the kitchen feeling pretty lop sided. So to remedy the lop-sidedness, I want to flip the stove and fridge positions, and add cabinets to both sides of the stove on the old fridge wall. Oh, on the old fridge wall, there is also a pantry kinda just sticking out, so, the stove and cabinets will give the pantry more of a cohesive feeling. Then, to remedy the dance floor in the middle of the kitchen we're going to do a work table. Then, of course, paint and add trim to the cabinets, paint walls, add crown, lighting, flooring, and all that cosmetic type stuff. So if none of this makes since... see layout mock ups and photos here.